26 Mrz
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I can't comment much on the menu but I had several moments I like to remember there. Don't have the photos with me sadly.
Recommended • staying at the Hilton next door I always have my dinner at Palm Beach Restaurant. The service is always very kind and swift. The burger was delicious. They established a touch-free COVID registration with digital check-out at the end (this should be a standard in all restaurant!)
Nice and super service for a super local atmosphere
DI-DO 16.30-23.00Uhr
(Küche 16:30-22:15Uhr)
FR 16.30- ca. 01.00 Uhr
(Küche 16:30-23:00Uhr)
(Kleine Karte bis 24:00Uhr)
SA 12.30- ca. 01.00 Uhr
(Küche 12:30-23:00Uhr)
(Kleine Karte bis 24:00Uhr)
SO 12.00- ca. 22.00 Uhr
(Küche 12:00-21:30Uhr)
Im Sommer auf der Terrasse bei schönem Wetter:
DI-SO ab 17.00 Uhr
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