Meat Market
Max. 5 People
Fresh Beef
12:00 - 15:00
Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.
Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.
Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.
Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies.
Morbi ultrices consequat viverra. Nullam leo felis, dignissim vitae blandit pharetra, volutpat ut leo. In iaculis lacus vel porta vestibulum. Pellentesque ac est iaculis, tincidunt sem nec, auctor lacus. Maecenas enim arcu, facilisis ut mauris vitae, efficitur consequat dui.
Wir stehen Ihnen für jede Frage zur Verfügung. Rufen Sie uns an und wir werden Ihnen gerne helfen.
I can't comment much on the menu but I had several moments I like to remember there. Don't have the photos with me sadly.
The place it self is great, service is slow and disjointed. Typical bar food. My second time. I'll go back.
Recommended • staying at the Hilton next door I always have my dinner at Palm Beach Restaurant. The service is always very kind and swift. The burger was delicious. They established a touch-free COVID registration with digital check-out at the end (this should be a standard in all restaurant!)
DI-DO 16.30- ca. 23.00 Uhr
(Küche 17:00-22:15Uhr)
FR 16.30- ca. 01.00 Uhr
(Küche 17:00-00:00Uhr)
SA 12.30- ca. 01.30 Uhr
(Küche 12:30-00:00Uhr)
SO 12.00- ca. 22.30 Uhr
(Küche 12:00-22:00Uhr)
Auf der Terrasse bei schönem Wetter:
DI-SO ab 17.00 Uhr
Im Raucherraum:
FR 19.00-02.00 Uhr
SA 18.00-02.00 Uhr
Außerdem geöffnet an besonderen Fussballtagen!
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Fusce urna augue, volutpat quis pharetra nec, fringilla a enim. Etiam dapibus accumsan libero vehicula vestibulum. Nunc justo augue, vehicula vel mauris id, blandit laoreet urna. Integer placerat euismod lorem vitae viverra. Sed cursus est justo, quis consequat est lacinia id. Praesent semper pulvinar sollicitudin.